When a person completes the offer, you will earn $0.35 to $1.30 and Redeem money your Paytm and Bank.

Offer no - 1
Click on Image and complete offer and earn money
When a person completes the offer, you will earn $0.35. Rules:

Only share with people from these countries: India
Only target these devices: Android.
Converts: Sign up for account.

Offer no - 2
Click on Image and complete offer and earn money

When a person completes the offer, you will earn $0.10. Rules:

Only share with people from these countries: India 
Only target these devices: Android. 
Converts: One Click Flow

Offer no - 3
Click on Image and complete offer and earn money
When a person completes the offer, you will earn $0.05. Rules: 

Only share with people from these countries: India 
Only target these devices: Android. 
Converts: Install app.

Offer no - 4
Click on Image and complete offer and earn money
When a person completes the offer, you will earn $0.13. Rules: 

 Only share with people from these countries: India 
Only target these devices: Android. 
Converts: Sign up for account

Offer no - 5
Click on Image and complete offer and earn money
When a person completes the offer, you will earn $0.30. Rules: 

Only share with people from these countries: India 
Only target these devices: Android.
Converts: Sign up for account.

Offer no - 6
Click on Image and complete offer and earn money
When a person completes the offer, you will earn $0.10. Rules: 

Only share with people from these countries: India 
Only target these devices: Android. 
Converts: Sign up for account.

Offer no - 7
Click on Image and complete offer and earn money
When a person completes the offer, you will earn $0.10. Rules: 

Only share with people from these countries: India
Only target these devices: Android.
Converts: Install app.